Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Working in two languages - at least

One of the interesting aspects of The Value of Presenting work, is that  we are working bilingually in English and French. The site we've built is a single bilingual site, based on WordPress with very extensive bilingual label customization.

I and one of my francophone consulting colleagues co-wrote the literature review; we have just posted the French version. It covers the same territory and we draw on the same sources as the English one but it is not meant to be a translation.

There has been some excellent work in the USA that has not been translated into French; we translate some insights in the French literature review. There has also been some profound reflection in Quebec on the role of performing arts presenting which only exists in French, so that English Canadian presenters are unlikely to have consulted that excellent material. Again, in our English literature we reference that thinking.

By adopting this mode of working, I hope we are helping advance the thinking and working across the two languages for the sector as well. There is so much richness when engaged people come together across languages, cultures and experiences.


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