Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Strategic move lies at heart of value innovation

In Blue Ocean Strategy W. ChanKim and Renee Mauborgne posit that, "the strategic move, and not the company or the industry, is the right unit of analysis for explaining the creation of blue oceans and sustained high performance." They then define a strategic move as "a set of managerial actions and decisions involved in making a major market-creating business offering."

I have started an exploration in the performing arts on this blog this month. I have begun to contemplate the landscape, or as they say the "strategy canvas",  to learn about the skills, expertise, assets of the performing arts that can be leveraged to create new wide-open spaces for high performance. And to explore what elements might need to be added or increased in order to create a new kind of success.

I see my blog traffic has been increasing, so I invite you to become an active participant in this exploration.: comment, add, improve!

(FD: While I do research, strategy and marketing work for organizations in the performing arts and in other sectors, I do not have a client on this broader aspiration at present. I do believe now, in obviously uncertain times, is the right time to contemplate the big questions.)

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