Friday, January 11, 2008

Proposed a Research Conference Paper

After being part of the Net Gain 2.0 conference organizing committee last fall, I thought I try to get onto the presenters' roster for MRIA's national conference in May. Today, I sent in my proposal to take a look at the crucial role - and direct impact on the business - of multi-faceted research I conducted (from data analysis to focus groups) in the NAC Orchestra's Audience Development project.

I think there's a lot of interesting - and possibly innovative - work I can share in terms of integrating many kinds of research and gaining very sharp insights as a result. There's also a direct contribution the research had on the strategy formulation and the business results to date. In my view, this will serve as a great example of "return on research investment" - and further a discussion about the role of the researcher in the ever changing marketing landscape.

The decisions on conference programming will be made this month...

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